The impacts of COVID-19 coronavirus continue to compound in Oregon and Washington. We are extremely sensitive to the concerns this new virus is creating and want to share the guidelines we have shared to keep our employees, our clients, and our business partners safe and healthy while completing portable toilet sanitation work in a responsible way.
Below is a summary of these guidelines:
- Extra time at each portable toilet, sink and hand sanitizing station using stronger disinfectant
- Eliminating non-essential meetings with co-workers, business partners and clients as much as possible.
- Internal safety meetings are being done with a very small group practicing social distancing.
- Stay home if you are experiencing any illness symptoms
- Sanitize work stations, tool and work vehicle often
Hand Sanitizer continues to be one of the most challenging and hardest hit areas of our supply chain. We are buying from local distillers to refill bags, but it is nowhere near enough of what it takes to manage the demand. We suggest that you ration as much as you can to keep the supply available for the end user.
This is new territory for all of us, and we don’t presume to have all the answers, but I do know that we have an incredibly dedicated team of employees and loyal customers and we are all here to keep each other safe and sanitary. We continue to monitor the information being provided by our government agencies and associations, and we will react quickly and responsibly as new information is provided.